Disgaea 1/DS/File tree
From Netherworld Research
High-level overview of the contents of Disgaea DS's ROM filesystem.
File tree #Files Type Description/notes . ├── ThumbBg.dat DSARCIDX │ └···Thubg*.imy ( 19 files) IMY Savefile thumbnails ├── bg.dat DSARCIDX │ └···bg*.mpb (117 files) MPB (MAP, IMY) ├── bgm.dat{,.tbl} DSARCFL │ └···bgm_*.msnd ( 33 files) DSEQ ├── bu.dat DSARCIDX │ └···bu*.mpb (101 files) MPB (MAP, IMY) ├── ch_*.amd (234 files) AMD Char/class animation data? ├── ch_*.amt (234 files) AMT Char/class animation ??? ├── chclut.bin Sprite color LUTs (for sprts.bin) ├── chtex.bin 12BYTES-ARMS Sprite metadata (for sprts.bin) ├── demoDbg.dat DSARCIDX │ └···file* (280 files) ASCII text (Debug text files, TBD) ├── dspack.dat DSARCIDX (Essentially start.dat for DS) │ ├···back.imy IMY │ ├···base.dso DSO (DSARCIDX) │ │ ├···base.dsm DSM │ │ └···baseoe_*.imy ( 5 files) IMY │ ├···cursor.dso DSO (DSARCIDX) │ │ ├···cursor.dsm DSM │ │ └···cursoroe_*.imy ( 2 files) IMY │ ├···enn.dso DSO (DSARCIDX) │ │ ├···enn.dsm DSM │ │ └···ennoe_*.imy ( 2 files) IMY │ ├···enn.imy IMY │ ├···establish*.imy ( 23 files) IMY Top screen in Settings │ ├···helpbg*.imy ( 7 files) IMY Top screen in in-game Help │ ├···loading*.imy ( 6 files) IMY Loading screen clock-Prinny │ ├···mgate.dso DSO (DSARCIDX) │ │ ├···mgate.dsm DSM │ │ └···mgateoe_*.imy ( 4 files) IMY │ ├···pliny01.imy IMY ??? │ ├···sys7.imy IMY │ ├···taiho.dso DSO (DSARCIDX) │ │ ├···taiho.dsm DSM │ │ └···taihooe_*.imy ( 6 files) IMY │ ├···taiho2.dso DSO (DSARCIDX) │ │ ├···taiho2.dsm DSM │ │ └···taiho2oe_*.imy ( 4 files) IMY │ ├···titdemo{3,4,5}.imy ( 3 files) IMY Titlescreen opening animation │ ├···waku3.imy IMY │ └···wbg*.imy ( 17 files) IMY Top-screen titlescreen logo ├── efctobj.dat DSARCIDX │ └···effect*.dsm (133 files) DSM ├── efcttex.dat DSARCIDX │ └···effect*_*.imy (270 files) IMY ├── mapobjs.dat DSARCIDX │ └···mp*o*.dsm (234 files) DSM ├── maptex.dat DSARCIDX │ └···mp*{t,prd}*.imy (785 files) IMY Map textures (for heightmapped surface) ├── mpds.dat DSARCIDX │ └···mp*.mpds (198 files) MPDS Map files (compressed) ├── mpds.lst ASCII text (CSV of filename,mapID, weird for PSP_mp25001) ├── msgvo.dat{,.tbl} DSARCFL │ └···*.strm (173 files) STRM ├── nafnt.fnt ├── objtex.dat DSARCIDX │ └···mp*o*_*.imy (646 files) IMY Map object textures ├── rmaps.dat DSARCIDX │ └···20*.rmd ( 72 files) RMD? Item world randomized maps? ├── script.dat script.dat Scripting ├── se.dat{,.tbl} DSARCFL │ ├···*_*.se (128 files) SWAW Sound effects │ └···yrah*.swav ( 4 files) (empty) ├── song.dat{,.tbl} DSARCFL │ ├···bgm10.msnd DSEQ │ └···song*.msnd ( 11 files) DSEQ ├── sprts.bin sprts.bin Raw sprite data (use chtex.bin to parse) ├── sys9.imy IMY Tileset for topscreen (map) ├── table.dat DSARCIDX │ ├···char.dat table Character/class data │ ├···charhelp.dat table Class help description │ ├···dungeon.dat table Gatekeeper warp data │ ├···ge.dat table Geo effects │ ├···geocube.dat table Geocube effects (multiplayer) │ ├···habit.dat table Item inhabitants │ ├···hospital.dat table Hospital awards │ ├···magic.dat table Specials/spells │ ├···mitem.dat table Items │ ├···musicshop.dat table Song list │ ├···name.dat table Names for randomizer │ ├···thief.dat table Stat stealing entries │ ├···wish.dat table Dark Assembly bills │ └···zukan.dat table Bestiary entries ├── talk.dat talk.dat Dialogue (castle, cutscenes) + some scripting ├── uwbg*.mpb ( 12 files) MPB (MAP, IMY) ├── voice.dat{,.tbl} DSARCFL │ ├···*_*.se ( 3 files) SWAW │ └···*_*.swav (185 files) SWAW ├── waku{,2,3}.imy ( 3 files) IMY └── wbg{,2,3}.imy ( 3 files) IMY