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== magic.dat ==
== magic.dat ==
struct {
  u16 id;
  u16 wpn_level;      // Min. weapon skill level to unlock, if unlocked by weapon
  u16 power;          // Determines damage (TBD: how?)
  u16 sp;              // Base SP cost (TBD: determine growth curve)
  char name[17];
  char description[57];
  u16 unk1;            // ??
  u8 effect_param[5];  // Parameter to skill effect (see below)
  u8 wpn_type;        // 0 = not weapon tied; 1 = fist; 2 = sword; 3 = spear; 4 = bow; 5 = gun; 6 = axe
  u8 element;          // 0 = none; 1 = fire; 2 = wind; 3 = ice; 4 = star
  u8 spell_class;      // 2 = melee; 3 = magic; 4 = heal; 5 = buff; 6 = debuff
  u8 wpn_type_2;      // (copy of wpn_type)
  u8 range;
  u8 pattern;          // Attack pattern, complex, see below
  u8 range_up;        // Attack range vertically, constraints on height difference between tiles
  u8 range_down;
  u8 effect[5];        // Attack effects (see below), or 0 for no effect
Some of these fields warrant additional explanation.  The ''effect'' and ''effect_param'' fields allow up to 5 effects to be associated with a spell.  Known effect numbers are listed below.
{| class="wikitable"
! # !! Description
| 1 || ?
| 2 || ?
| 11 || Atk +n%
| 12 || Def +n%
| 13 || Res +n%
| 14 || Int +n%
| 21 || Poison (n = % chance to inflict)
| 22 || Sleep
| 23 || Paralyze
| 24 || Amnesia
| 25 || Deprave
| 101 || Cure ailments (n=?)
| 102 || HP Drain
| 104 || Self-destruct
The ''pattern'' field describes the attack pattern (which tiles are targeted relative to the user, etc). (TBD: document these.)
== mitem.dat ==
== mitem.dat ==

Revision as of 13:19, 20 January 2018

Table files are files describing properties and statistics of various entities inside the game, e.g. items, classes or characters. Each file essentially corresponds to a database table, with rows and columns, or (probably more true to the actual implementation) a row count followed by an array of some struct, with that many elements.

This page documents the structs for the various table files inside D1DS.

Each table starts with the number of rows, as a u32, sometimes repeated twice for seemingly no good reason. (One ugly way to deal with this is to start by reading two u32's, and then seek back 4 bytes if they're equal.)


Holds character/class data.

struct {
  char name[19];
  char title[19];
  u8 type;         // 0 = Static? (cutscene/geo); 3 = Usable in-battle; 4 = Prinny; 6 = Prism Red (Doll)
  u8 unk1;
  u8 pad1;
  u8 gender;       // 1 = Male; 2 = Female; 11 = Male (generic); 12 = Female (generic); 13 = Other (generic)
  u8 unk2;
  u8 tier;         // "Tier" into class/colour palette index
  u8 magic_rate;   // Rate of specials acquisition, judging by http://ningyokan.nisfan.net/game/disgaea/usa/usa-units3.html
  u8 jump;

  struct {
    u8 fist, sword, spear, bow, gun, axe, staff;
  } wpn_mastery;
  u8 pad2;

  struct {
    u8 hp, sp, atk, def, int, spd, hit, res;
  } aptitude;

  u16 immunity;     // Bitfield of immunities (0 for most, 255 for Divine Majin)
  u16 id;
  u16 family;       // Seemingly corresponds to row in "create character" screen, e.g. Male/Female Brawler kept separate, but mages are grouped, as are skulls.
  u16 unk3;         // (always 100)
  u16 unk4;         // (always 20)
  u16 throw;
  u16 help;         // (Key into charhelp.dat) Help entry text for this character, or 0.

  struct {
    u16 hp, sp, atk, def, int, spd, hit, res;
  } base_stats;

  u16 unk5;         // (always 5)
  u16 move_range;
  u16 move_class;   // 0 = normal; 1 = flying; 2 = warping
  u16 unk6;         // (always 1)
  u16 unk7;
  u16 unk8;
  u16 unk9;         // (always 10)
  u8 pad3[4];
  u16 unk10;
  u16 counter;

  u16 magic[32];    // (Key into magic.dat) Special index, for specials learned by this char/class, or 0 for unused.
  u16 magic_lvl[32]; // Level at which character learns the corresponding special


Class help descriptions. These are shown in the "create character" screen, and so the table file includes strings that aren't ever shown in-game (e.g. for story characters or enemies).

struct {
  u16 id;
  char description[62];


Gatekeeper warp data, powering the warp menu.

struct {
  char name[18];
  u8 pad;
  u16 id;
  u16 talk;        // talk.dat entry to execute when map is selected from warp menu


Geo effects.

struct {
  char name[21];
  char description[57];
  u16 id;


Geocube effects (multiplayer).

struct {
  u8 id;
  u8 unk1;
  u8 unk2;
  u8 unk3;
  u16 unk4;
  char name[17];
  char description[65];


Item inhabitants.

struct {
  u32 unk1;
  char name[21];
  u8 pad1[1];
  u16 id;
  u8[20] item_chance;  // Chance to appear in an item, by item class. Which element corresponds to which item class isn't known exactly.
  // My best guess: ? Fist Sword Spear Bow Gun Axe Staff Monster ? Armor Belt Shoes Orb Glasses Muscle ? ? EX ?
  u8 pad2[1];


Hospital rewards, with minimum requirements.

struct {
  u16 id;
  u16 req_deceased;
  u32 item;    // (Key into mitem.dat) Item to obtain
  u32 req_hp;
  u32 req_sp;



struct {
  u16 id;
  u16 wpn_level;       // Min. weapon skill level to unlock, if unlocked by weapon
  u16 power;           // Determines damage (TBD: how?)
  u16 sp;              // Base SP cost (TBD: determine growth curve)
  char name[17];
  char description[57];
  u16 unk1;            // ??
  u8 effect_param[5];  // Parameter to skill effect (see below)
  u8 wpn_type;         // 0 = not weapon tied; 1 = fist; 2 = sword; 3 = spear; 4 = bow; 5 = gun; 6 = axe
  u8 element;          // 0 = none; 1 = fire; 2 = wind; 3 = ice; 4 = star
  u8 spell_class;      // 2 = melee; 3 = magic; 4 = heal; 5 = buff; 6 = debuff
  u8 wpn_type_2;       // (copy of wpn_type)
  u8 range;
  u8 pattern;          // Attack pattern, complex, see below
  u8 range_up;         // Attack range vertically, constraints on height difference between tiles
  u8 range_down;
  u8 effect[5];        // Attack effects (see below), or 0 for no effect

Some of these fields warrant additional explanation. The effect and effect_param fields allow up to 5 effects to be associated with a spell. Known effect numbers are listed below.

# Description
1  ?
2  ?
11 Atk +n%
12 Def +n%
13 Res +n%
14 Int +n%
21 Poison (n = % chance to inflict)
22 Sleep
23 Paralyze
24 Amnesia
25 Deprave
101 Cure ailments (n=?)
102 HP Drain
104 Self-destruct

The pattern field describes the attack pattern (which tiles are targeted relative to the user, etc). (TBD: document these.)


Item table.


Song list for the music shop.

struct {
  u32 price;
  u8 pad1[4];
  u16 id;
  u16 song_id;  // Uncertain
  char name[21];
  char title[65];
  u16 options; // 0 = locked; 1 = starts unlocked; 3 = starts unlocked & default selected


Stat stealing entries.

struct {
  char name[21];
  u16 type;  // 0 = steal HP; 1 = SP; 2 = Atk; 3 = Def; 4 = Int; 5 = Spd; 6 = Hit; 7 = Res; 10 = Exp; 11 = HL?
  u8 pad1[1];
  u32 unk1;  // (always 1)


Dark Assembly bills.

struct {
  u32 mana;
  u8 id;
  u16 rank;  // Min. rank required to reveal bill
  i8 skew;   // Skews senators' general opinion on the bill, -100 to +100 (higher is more favourable)
  char name[31];
  char description[53];


Bestiary entries.

struct {
  u16 id;
  u16 class_id;
  char name[21];
  char line1[45];
  char line2[45];
  char line3[45];
  char line4[45];
  char line5[45];
  char line6[45];
  char line7[45];
  char line8[45];
  u8 pad1[3];

External links